Estate Planning, Marriage and Divorce

When considering marriage or a divorce, your estate planning is likely low on the list of priorities. However, these are significant changes in a family situation that should trigger an immediate review of your existing estate planning documents or preparation of...

Year-End Estate Planning To-Do List

> Familiarity with the terms of your documents is an essential part of having an up-to-date estate plan.   > If you do not have an estate plan in place, the end of the year is an ideal time to begin planning.   > Proper planning can help avoid unintended...

The Importance of Funding Your Trust

> It is important to revisit your estate plan from time to time to ensure that it accurately reflects your wishes for your family and assets.   > An unfunded Trust fails to take advantage of one of the greatest benefits of a Trust…the avoidance of probate.  ...

Prince Leaves a Complex, Unplanned Estate

> Without an estate plan, Prince’s half-siblings will stand to inherit the same share as his full-sibling.   > Failure to plan for a potential estate tax liability may lead to a forced liquidation of estate assets, including his vault of unreleased music.   >...