Estate Tax Update – October 2010

The latest buzz from Washington does not include any resolution on the Estate Tax uncertainty for 2010 and beyond, but does suggest that two things appear to be likely: first, that the Estate Tax dilemma will not be resolved until after the November Congressional...

Definition of the Month: Crummey Notice

The Crummey Notice takes its name from the 1968 decision in Crummey v. Commissioner, 397 F.2d 82, 88 (9th Cir. 1968) in which it was established that a gift in trust qualifies for the annual Gift Tax exclusion as long as the trust’s beneficiaries have the power to...

The Importance of Planned Giving

As the end of the year quickly approaches, it is essential to recognize the importance of planned giving and its benefits for those with taxable or rapidly growing estates.  This newsletter will discuss the opportunities available to reduce your taxable estate while...

Definition of the Month: Intestate

An individual who dies without a Will is referred to as dying intestate.  Each state provides its own intestate succession law, which determines how the assets of a decedent who dies intestate will be distributed. Under Illinois’ intestate succession law (“Descent and...